Tuesday, March 23, 2021


WELCOME MODERATOR ! by eviegracehand


  1. POSTER An arresting and flamboyant poster that emphasises the horror/ thriller codes of The Institute through the gory handprints mirroring the protagonist’s own hands, tying together the images of the protagonist / victim and The Institute looming behind, in which she is imprisoned. The red hand imprints emphasise the red accent colour of the title and the release date, connoting and underlining violence. The protagonist’s face is dramatically lit with shadows blotting out one side of her face and narrowing the other to make it appear more gaunt and worried; this is in keeping with the genre and suggests how sleep-deprived and haunted she feels in a place where ‘the basement never sleeps’, as the tagline states. This obscure threat evokes a watchful and hostile presence, the stuff of nightmares and horror tales.
    The font for both title and release date is repeated consistently throughout your film website (such as on the home page, cast, gallery, festivals) contributing to the cohesiveness of the branding. The font itself connotes hurried chalk board writing, very apt for a film set in a 1950s boarding school institution.
    The poster displays all genre conventions (title, release date, billing block, social media) and conveys genre effectively to engage and inform its target audience. A sophisticated quality of work.

  2. FILM TRAILERS Your work filming, directing and editing in Final Cut has been substantial. You have also had to respond creatively to the restrictions imposed by lockdowns which have prevented you and your production team from filming together and from filming in locations originally planned. Equally, your casting has had to be re-arranged. In all these adaptations, you and your team have risen to the considerable challenges.
    Your trailers are sophisticated and technically competent. All genre conventions are convincingly observed. Excellent quality work: evidence of thorough and detailed genre research that informs your own work; articulate reflection about your own trailer. Both products engage audiences effectively through chilling thriller / horror codes using a vulnerable female victim, ominous minor characters, a carefully constructed narrative framework and creative lighting, costumes and sound. You have convincingly created a 1950s boarding school and suggested the dark secrets of its basement for the mise-en-scene.



WELCOME MODERATOR ! by eviegracehand