Friday, September 25, 2020


Our locations for our film trailer are mainly based in the same building. We will be using our school grounds to film the trailer on as we have many locations such as a the basement tunnel that has a dark and gloomy atmosphere which is perfect for the horror scenes we want to film. We will film shots of the exterior of the building to portray a boarding school atmosphere, but then as the audience discovers the basement of the school they say what is really going to happen.

The basement is the perfect location for parts of our film trailer as it has white stained walls and is the perfect environment to portray as an institution that is almost like an asylum.


 For planning, my group and I wrote down all of our initial ideas onto a mind-map to give us a clear idea of what props, location, genre, plot and character we would like to include. We came up with the rough idea for the plot we want to use which we can further finalise later on in planning. We want the film to be set in the 1960's and we will present this clearly through mine-en-scene - how the character's present themselves in what they wear as well as the use of cod-liver which was a dietary supplement that was commonly used in the 1960's and the students and boarding schools had to have it.


WELCOME MODERATOR ! by eviegracehand